Chimney Sweep and Inspection
This service is a sweep of the full system with removal of soot and creosote build up. Prior to the sweep, an inspection will be done to make sure the system will be in proper working condition after the sweep is finished. This is to ensure good faith with customers, safety and to asses the proper tools required to clean.

Every time you use your fireplace, creosote is created and deposited on the inside of your chimney. How? As smoke travels up the chimney, it cools and deposits this organic substance on your chimney liner. As that substance cools even more, it solidifies and results in a caked on substance that will build up use after use. Creosote is made up of particles from the wood and is incredibly flammable. After enough creosote builds up, it can ignite and launch a fast-spreading, dangerous chimney fire.

What to know when preparing for
The Floo Network to service your chimney
Once you have your chimney sweeping booked it would be very helpful to us if you could be prepared for our visit.
Please remove any items from your mantel piece and hearth and any un-burnt fuel from the firebox itself.
Either cover or remove any light furnishings or anything of value for your own peace of mind, although we always take care to ensure that the fireplace is covered while we work.
You may also want to lay dust sheets or paper from the front door to the fireplace to protect floors/carpets. Again, we will respect your home and take care. We always carry protective disposable shoe covers to use when necessary.
Assess which type of chimney you have and familiarize yourself with how our procedures work for an inspection and sweep. (BELOW)
Please feel free to call or email if you have any questions.
Masonry (brick or stone)


Masonry refers to chimneys that are constructed from brick or stone. It should have a flue that the firebox is venting through. Very old chimneys may not have a flue, instead; they should have a metal liner instead. If no liner is discovered when first inspecting, the owner will be informed of the condition and it will be left up to them whether to continue with service. INVOICES WILL CONTAIN NOTATION TO THE UNSAFE FIRE CONDITIONS IF OWNER DECIDES TO SWEEP ANYWAY. This is to remove any liability of The Floo Network or The Floo Network, LLC; should any problems arise from an owner's continued use of an unsafe chimney.
Prefabricated chimneys are usually constructed to match the siding of the house. The firebox, flue and chimney cap all are manufactured to a factory standard and should not be mixed. These systems should provide a UL listing on the firebox with the make and model. It is especially important with prefabricated units to keep them regularly serviced to prevent chimney fires. A high temperature fire in these systems can change the molecular composition of the metal and replacing pipe in these units can be costly if the manufacturer is no longer producing. Once a molecularized pipe is discovered, the owner will be notified before any further work is performed. At the customer's discretion, a sweep can still be performed but the chimney will be notated as not firesafe. INVOICES WILL CONTAIN NOTATION TO THE UNSAFE FIRE CONDITIONS IF OWNER DECIDES TO SWEEP ANYWAY. This is to remove any liability of The Floo Network or The Floo Network, LLC; should any problems arise from an owner's continued use of an unsafe chimney.